Flinders Law Students' Association’s W4J 2024 fundraiser

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We’re raising funds for vulnerable South Australians in need of free legal services

With your support, we can further JusticeNet SA’s work to stop people facing disadvantage from slipping through the cracks in the legal system.

You can support our team’s walk here 👇

Our Achievements

$2024 Raised for our 2024 Walk

Highest Team Record Beaten!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Flsa Bake Sale

FLSA Bake Sale Proceeds


Tania Leiman


Rob Chalmers


Reshma Shiju


Sue L

All the best!


Lang Foundation


Lang Foundation


Le Family


Flinders Law Student Association


Jake Campbell


Charissa Tarzia


Brooklyn Simmonette


Gunter Mauch


Lang Foundation


Dr Adams (x2)


Ace Paelma

u are da best!!


Simone Daniells


Elizabeth Kennelly

Wish it was more x


Lang Foundation


Aidan B

Slay girl


Lang Foundation


Jazmin Clayton




Alex Lawson


Lang Foundation


Lang Foundation